ISO 9001 certification

We are constantly improving our quality system and processes to ensure that we meet all the requirements and expectations of our customers. As a result, our work in 2014 was certified in accordance with EN/ISO 9001: 2015, and every year the certification is renewed by ExVeritas.

Alflow is a recognised and serious supplier of high quality products. We live up to this recognition, because our suppliers comply with all applicable requirements from directives and standards in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

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We always provide a comprehensive documentation package with all certificates relevant to the component and your application, so you are assured of high-quality documentation

On all our components here on our website, we show which certificates are included in the documentation package if you order the component. Should we unexpectedly not display the certificate you need as documentation for your application, you are always welcome to contact us to discuss your requirements.

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Directives and standards

These could be as follows, but are not limited to:

  • EC 1935/2004 - Food Directive
  • EC 10/2011 - The Plastics Regulation
  • EU 2014/34 - ATEX Directive
  • EU 2014/68 - Pressure Equipment Directive
  • EF 2023/2006 - GMP
  • EN 10204 - Material certificates
  • FDA certificates
  • ASME statements
  • Roughness measurements (can also be carried out at Alflow)
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Recommended storage of gaskets/rubber

At Alflow, we always store our goods in the best possible way and in accordance with the manufacturer's regulations and standards.

When we receive gaskets/rubber from our suppliers, they undergo quality control in accordance with our quality system, are packed in black, light-proof bags and placed in stock - if they are not already on their way to the customer.

We are regularly asked about the durability/service life of these gaskets/rubber - even when they are in our customers' warehouses. That is to say, the time from when they are produced until they are installed in various valves, pumps, etc.

Over time, many tests have been performed on how long rubber can last when in stock. Especially in the Aerospace industry, many standards have been created.

At Alflow, we follow the instructions described in the American standard ARP5316 (where most types of rubber last indefinitely under the right storage conditions) and store the most common rubber compositions for max. 10 years - after which we discard them.

In our warehouse, where we store these gaskets/rubber, we have the facilities to ensure:

  • that the temperature does not exceed 35°C
  • that shelves with these gaskets/rubber are not exposed to direct sunlight
  • that the humidity in storage areas does not exceed 75%

- and otherwise all gaskets are sealed in black bags.

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We handle claims quickly and professionally.

At Alflow, we receive very few claims, but we take the few we receive very seriously. We have a very clear policy regarding claims.

We take all claims seriously and follow up on them, professionally and openly.

We register all claims, after which we prepare a plan to achieve the best and fastest solution to the problem. In all cases, we respect rules, food safety and the needs of our customers.

We also often delimit the products so as to ensure that we do not send out defective goods.

No matter how small an error - and whether it is we who discover it - we must always remedy the error to ensure that the same error does not reoccur. We consult the responsible department and make a clear plan to solve the problem and avoid similar mistakes in the future.

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If you want to know more about our certifications, certificates, documentation packages or procedures in relation to our quality control and quality system, please feel free to contact our QA Manager or QA Coordinator. If you have any questions about the documentation you have received, you are also welcome to send an email to
Dina Stubbe
QA Manager
Jakob Olsen
QA Documentation
Dennis Christensen
Quality & Documentation
Sanne Bramsen
QA Documentation