5 good reasons to switch to AdvantaFlex tubes

Over the past year, many suppliers to the single-use industry have had problems with the supply of silicone and TPE tubing, as declining supply and increasing demand have created a shortage of silicone and TPE.

This has been a major concern for many of the manufacturing companies that use single-use components in their processes.

When they’re unable to get the necessary single-use tubes, they risk major delays in their production, or - in the worst case - they have to stop production.

But don't worry!

If you are a customer with us, then fortunately this doesn’t apply to you.

Our supplier of single-use tubes, AdvantaPure, on the other hand - unlike the competitors - has no problems with supply, and we therefore have increased capacity and plenty of tubes in stock.

In addition to security of supply of AdvantaFlex tubes from AdvantaPure, there are also other advantages.

Up to 40% stronger welds

For example, the welds on AdvantaFlex are up to 40% stronger than on similar, competing brands.

Weld test results_Alflow_1000x1000

Clear tube marking system

They are also available with AdvantaLABEL - a tube marking system that helps identify the different lines by colour (AdvantaLABEL is available in the following colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, grey and white).

AdvantaLABEL has a protected label, so you avoid the problems that can otherwise occur with hanging labels - such as that they can fall off, fade or break.


Less risk of leakage

If you require a complete system with tubes and fittings, they are also available as a moulded manifold.

With moulded single-use manifolds from AdvantaPure, you reduce the risk of leakage with a single component!

That's actually quite logical. The more joints, the greater the risk of leakage.

And in the moulded manifolds, there are significantly fewer joints - and thus also significantly fewer potential leak points.

Molded assemblies_tegning_GB

Smooth inner surface for laminar flow

Another advantage of moulded systems is that they have a completely smooth inner surface.

This provides a laminar flow without obstacles.

This also prevents the product from settling into any cracks.

barbed vs molded_tegning

Full documentation and traceability

In addition, there is full documentation and traceability of all our single-use products, so you can be sure that they live up to all applicable standards and legal requirements.

AdvantaPure_LowTemp_Molded_300 (2)

Would you like to find out more?

Contact us if you require any help, advice or want to find out more about our services.
Silvia Roma Bentin
Internal Technical Sales
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